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Aquanatal Since prehistoric times, man and woman relied on water to heal wounds and diseases.  Water has always been important for the great ancient civilizations, who knew its beneficial and purifying properties. Hydrotherapy disappeared during the Middle Ages...
Home Birth

Home Birth

Home Birth Childbirth is a delicate and intimate moment; oxytocin – the love hormone – plays a fundamental role, but it is a shy hormone, which needs darkness and intimacy, it is a hormone that must be protected.What better way to protect it than giving...


WATER BIRTH Massage is an ancient tradition handed down from generation to generation in many places in the world, but it’s not just that. The water:• Relaxes the pelvic floor and prevents episiotomy,• Neutralizes gravity allowing the woman to save precious...
Baby Massage

Baby Massage

Massage your baby to strengthen your relationship Massage is an ancient tradition handed down from generation to generation in many places in the world, but it’s not just that. The hands communicate, transmit warmth, love, sweetness and care; hands are the tool...
Healty Pregnancy

Healty Pregnancy

Physical and mental changes during gestation Pregnancy is, without a doubt, a delicate and important period. The body changes and adapts to the new condition. In this period it is essential to take care of your body, but how? During pregnancy it is essential to stay...
Doula in London

Doula in London

What is a “doula”? The word doula derives from the Greek and means “woman serving another woman”. He is a practical and emotional support figure during pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal. Pregnancy, even if desired and sought after, is always...