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Since prehistoric times, man and woman relied on water to heal wounds and diseases.  Water has always been important for the great ancient civilizations, who knew its beneficial and purifying properties.

Hydrotherapy disappeared during the Middle Ages and then reappeared in the late 17th and early 18th centuries in central Europe, with the re-evaluation of Hippocratic’s theories on the beneficial virtues of water.

Water is beneficial for everyone and, of course, also for pregnant women.

From the mid-1900s courses were created that combined free swimming activities and relaxation techniques, recognizing the similarity of respiratory work in water and that during contractions and the expulsive phase.


Immersion, movement and floating in pregnancy have great benefits both physically, psychologically and emotionally.

Immersion in water improves circulation, massages the soles of the feet (mirror of all organs), massages the skin giving it tone and elasticity (helps prevent stretch marks), trains the body to endure fatigue (requires continuous muscular effort ), trains the heart, oxygenates the blood and increases diuresis.  The spine is relieved and the exercises strength and tone the muscles.

Feeling my body light and free led me to relax, close my eyes and let go.  I felt my body, I felt at one with my baby .. I felt like a mother.

Stefy, Samuel’s mother

The fluidity of the water allows the woman to have full body awareness and let herself go to the emotions.  In the water, the mother can experience what her child experiences, free to move.  The woman can also let herself go and be lulled by the water, having the opportunity to reconcile herself with herself as a woman and with herself as a mother.

I looked at her and I saw her in a different way, beautiful and powerful.  As I supported her with my arms, I felt like I was hugging our son too.

 John, Stefy’s partner and Samuel’s father

The partner is not excluded, on the contrary, he can be part of it by rediscovering intimacy with his partner and feeling closer to the child.


Doula Alessandra – Deeply Mum