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When it comes to family and friends, we are all different, everyone has a unique relationship with their loved ones and also with friends. 


Fortunately, my husband and I have a wonderful relationship with our families and of course also with friends, but that is easier because we have chosen them!


We wanted to announce the good news to our relatives in an unforgettable, beautiful, exciting, joyful and fun way. We have thought and thought about it a lot, but finally here is the enlightenment!


It is a normal day, one of many, but something is going to make it a very special day!

Nicole is excited and happy because we are about to video call her grandparents. She always is when we have to call them because it is our way to see them and feel them close as we live far away, but today it is different!

She has a beautiful smile and she can’t wait for them to answer!

She just gives us time to say hello and ask how they are and then turns to us with that smile, seeking our approval. We just nod our head and she immediately let out all her emotion in those few words: “I’m going to be a big sister!!!”


The emotion of this moment will remain etched in our memories!


She was the one who announced the new arrival to the grandparents, and she was the one who told anyone she met because the emotion was too strong to keep it hidden!


Maybe we could have found so many different ways, but this was our special way!!



See you at the next chapter!

Ale, mum of 2!